European air war

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PAW did for me what Falcon 3 did for practically everyone else, and there was no turning back. I learned that true humiliation comes not at the hands of some wicked AI opponent, but from a human pilot on the other end of a modem. I found I wouldn't fly a sim without use of a separate throttle controller or some rudder pedals. From then on, I viewed games like Aces Over Europe and its ilk with contempt and scorn. The very notion that stalls and spins occurred, engine operation could be less than 100% full throttle, and yo-yo's weren't just pieces of plastic at the end of some string but a part of a phrase that only made sense if it followed the words 'hi' or 'low' had me confused, bewildered, intimidated. 1942: Pacific Air War from Microprose was the flight-sim that taught me I wasn't the Sierra Hotel pilot I thought I was.